Monday, October 29, 2007

Cuban Pentecost

Thank you for all of your prayers while we were gone. We have arrived home safely and with awesome reports of what God is doing in Cuba.

The initial purpose of our trip was to attend the Cuban National Convention. About 500 people packed in to a very hot facility for six services over the course of two days. God truly did a tremendous work. The Cuban leadership has been praying for years for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Many pastors, national leaders, and church members had not been filled with the Holy Ghost. In this convention, they are estimating 100 people received the Holy Spirit. They said this is an unprecedented occurance in Apostolic history in Cuba. Praise God!

In one particular service, my husband preached a simple message about faith. He asked for anyone who needed a miracle from God to come forward. To our surprise, hundreds came forward. There was no way to get to all of them to pray with them. Bro. Troy Shurte had the idea to do a prayer line. All the Cuban pastors, along with our group from the U.S. lined up and for about 2 hours, we prayed for people as they came through the line. I've never witnessed anything like it. I would estimate that at least half of those 100 who received the Holy Ghost received it in the prayer line or outside the door of the church where they were directed after prayer.

During all of this, a large group of Nazarenes were having service nearby. They heard the commotion and came to see what was happening. Many of them went through the prayer line. Some received the Holy Ghost and some have now started attending Apostolic churches. In Cuba, the pastors and leadership are referring to this Convention as the beginning of Cuban Pentecost. Praise God for honoring their prayers and pouring His Spirit out. On the Day of Pentecost, Peter proclaims the words of the prophet Joel:

"And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh." (Acts 2:17)

After the Convention, we saw a similar outpouring at every church we visited. In one church alone, about 15 people were baptized! One particular Methodist church recently re-baptized their entire congregation in the Name of Jesus! We saw God do awesome things at a service there! God is doing a great work, and we are so thankful to be a part of it.

If you live around Indianapolis, and would like more details about our trip, please visit our church this Wednesday night. We will be giving a presentation with detailed information, photos, and video footage of our trip. We would love to see you there. The church is located at 1212 E. 116th Street in Carmel. Jimmie will be updating our blog with more detailed information about our trip. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at anytime. Thank you to those of you who are investing in us with your prayers and/or with your finances. Take a moment to rejoice in your part in Cuban revival. Cuba for Christ!!!

1 comment:

Father of Five said...

This is absolutely amazing, thanks for keeping us informed and keep up the good work! Brother Shawn Joseph - The Door Church - LaPorte, IN