Sunday, September 11, 2011

Cuba Update - Summer 2011

Greetings to all of you in the awe-inspiring name of Jesus Christ! It’s been a whirlwind of a year and we find ourselves half-way through 2011! Despite the quickening pace of time and a seemingly endless amount of things to do, God always finds a way to do amazing things. We wanted to take a few moments to provide an update regarding the work that the Lord has done in Cuba so far this year.

In late 2010 we were able to raise enough money to acquire and renovate a church for a growing congregation. The old location would seat about 30 people comfortably, but the church was growing and did not accommodate all those that wanted to attend services. Nearby was a building that was available and with your assistance and support we were able to move into the new space, renovate it to more efficiently meet the needs of the congregation, and start holding services. It now will seat close to 100 people comfortably!

In addition to physical growth, the church in Cuba has been growing spiritually under the new leadership of Bishop Barbaro Gonzalez and other newly elected Cuban national officials. The national board is dedicated to the purpose of the Lord and eager to continue their partnership with the ALJC and churches here in the States. We’ve been adding existing congregations from all over the nation of Cuba to the national organization, from the tip of Pinar del Rio to the extremes of Santiago de Cuba. At this moment we estimate that over 20 churches are gathering and working together to spread the truth throughout the nation of Cuba.

Due to visa restrictions and hindrances on both the part of the United States and Cuban governments, we are not able to reside in Cuba. This is a grave disappointment to us, but we are making the most of the circumstance by traveling to Cuba as frequently as possible via short term trips. In the meantime all contributed funds to the ALJC for The Rennard Family – Cuba are funneled directly to travel, works, and mission related needs in the nation of Cuba. If you have any questions regarding our current plans, ministry approach, or projects we are working on, please feel free to contact us via the information on this site.

We will be traveling to Cuba in the Fall of 2011 to meet with the newly added churches, host training seminars, and review ongoing projects. Please be praying for this trip!

We greatly appreciate your support and continued prayers for the nation of Cuba. The Cuban church is in a time of transition and need your assistance. If you’d like to contribute to and pray directly for a few of the projects we are working towards, please make note of the following:

1. New Church Construction / Acquirement: Carlos Lago in Casablanca - $15,000 USD
2. Repairs / Expansion of Agua Vida: Aleyda in Pinar del Rio - $4,000 USD

Though many of our projects are on the local church level, we are also committed to providing a central location to continually train and equip leadership and ministry. We have acquired the use of a large tract of land to utilize for the first ever Apostolic Institute in Cuba. However, the financial need to construct such a facility is large. Please be praying for this endeavor as it can revolutionize the church in Cuba.