Hello everyone! I hope that you are all having a great summer! It has been good being back in the United States, spending time with friends and family! However, we are looking forward to our return to Cuba. Just a few weeks before that happens!
We just wanted to take a minute and let everyone know what we'll be up to this summer while we await our return trip. Most of our time is spent helping with our local church in Carmel, Indiana, Faith Apostolic Church. We have visited a few places, have gone to a couple conferences, and have a few more exciting things planned for the Summer.
Next week we will be in Louisville for the ALJC General Conference which will be a great opportunity to meet many of you that subscribe to our blog and support us regularly. Please feel free to visit us at our booth and say hello!
In late July I (James) will be helping Josh Wilson, our ALJC Apostolic Youth Corp coordinator, in Jamaica for the AYC 2008 trip. We will be down in Jamaica for a little over a week working with some churches there and introducing youth to missions work. It is going to be hot, but should prove rewarding for the young people and for all of us helping out! It is great to see so many of the younger generation stepping up into foreign and local ministry!
If you have any questions regarding our stay here in the States or would like us to visit, please feel free to contact us. We are grateful for all of your prayers and support and are excited about what is to come in the nation of Cuba!
God bless!