Bro. Barizonte and Bro. Barbaro are currently traveling with Bro. Roca to various churches, spreading the word about Revival in Cuba! They will be here with us next Tuesday, and will be speaking at Faith Apostolic Church next Wednesday night, December 19th. We are excited about their visit with us.
We are so thankful to the churches who have recently had us come and share our vision and burden for Cuba:
1. South Gibson Apostolic Chapel - Pastor J.D. Mullins
2. Medora Pentecostal Church - Pastor Tim Gill
3. Victory Life Center - Pastor Randy Adams
We enjoyed being with you in your service and are grateful for your kindness and hospitality.
Many of you have asked that we relay our upcoming expenses. We are working with the ALJC Foreign Mission's department to raise part of this money, but WE NEED YOUR HELP! We have to raise a lot of money in a short time, but we know that God will provide! We are especially seeking monthly sponsorship. If you would like to partner with us on a monthly basis, please contact us to let us know, with an amount in mind. This will help us know how far we have to go in reaching our monthly budget. Even the smallest monthly support makes a big difference. Our prayer is that God bless our partners greatly for their support and sacrificial giving.
Upcoming trip costs:
1. House - $15,000
2. Car - 5,000
3. Flights - 1,650
4. Food - 1,350
5.House needs-2,000
6. Insurance - 1,500
7. Projects - 1,500
8. Water - 150
9. Exit tax - 75
10. Visas - 270
11. Gas - 600
12. Internet - 150
13. Phone cards- 75
Total: $29,320
While this figure is overwhelming, keep in mind that our costs will be fairly low once the house and van have been purchased, and the house is furnished. Thank you to those of you who have already pledged generous amounts toward the purchase of the house. God bless you abundantly!
I don't like for these blogs to be about money, but hopefully this will give you an idea the kinds of funds necessary for us to accomplish this work. Can we put a price on what God has already done in Cuba? I don't believe we can, and I'm believing what has happened is only the beginning. If you would like to know more about donating to Cuba for Christ, please contact us at or use the link to your right to donate online. God Bless!