Our family, church family,and Cuban family at Thanksgiving
I hope you are all having a great start to your holiday season. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and we are so thankful for a network of caring, supportive people backing us in our endeavor. Thank you to all of the new people who have signed up to receive our e-newsletter. I hope you find it informative and inspiring. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.
Bro. & Sis. Roca, Bro. Barbaro, Bro. Barizonte, Bro. Josh, Sis. Shelly, Myself and Jimmie at Thanksgiving Dinner
Last week we attended National Youth Convention in Nashville, Tennessee. We are so happy to report that we were appointed as official missionaries with the Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ! I was moved to tears knowing that we had the support of a room full of godly men on the Foreign Mission's Board. I was especially moved during one of the services looking out at thousands of people who I knew would be supporting us and praying for us. When God calls you for a purpose, you act. Obedience is necessary whether you have the support of others or not, but what a tremendous blessing when your calling is backed up by thousands. We hope and pray that we will always be a good representation first and foremost of God, but also of Faith Apostolic Church, our families and friends, and of the Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ. We will do our best!
Mindy, Jodie, Sis. Ball, myself, and Shelly Wednesday night at NYC
It looks like God has opened a door in regard to our living arrangements! I can't go into detail right now, but please help us pray that it works out according to God's plan. If this door opens, it will truly be a miracle and another confirmation that we are right where God wants us.
Bro. Barizonte and Bro. Barbaro made it here safely and were able to attend NYC. They met many pastors, talked with so many people, and even made a presentation to the Foreign Mission's board about God's work in Cuba. They are truly a blessing to be around, and bring so much joy to our lives. They are with the Rocas right now, but will be in Indiana with us sometime next week.
James, Bro. Roca, Bro. Barizonte, and Bro. Barbaro Thanksgiving Day
We are truly looking forward to the next few months, spending time with these Cuban leaders, traveling, preparing for our trip, and spending time with family and friends. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. God Bless!