Monday, November 12, 2012

Cuba Update - November 2012

The theme of this years National Conference was, It’s Time to Conquer. The church in Cuba is in a special place, a pivotal moment in it’s history and we are excited to take a leading role in equipping and generating capacity for growth in the Socialist nation.
Over the past five years of ministry in Cuba we have seen the miraculous, the outpouring of God’s spirit, hundreds upon hundreds baptized in Jesus’ name, and many new churches added and converted. Just this past year over 100 people were baptized, more than 30 received the Holy Ghost, and the total number of churches grew to 25 (15 in 2005 when we began working in Cuba). To mark five years of ministry, we had well over a thousand people gathered together for the National Conference this year and 100+ pastors and ministers involved in three days of intense training.
God decided to encourage the church in Cuba even more when we received official papers and permits to begin the Apostolic Institute in Cuba, wrapping up over two years of waiting for permits and permission. With training and systematic instructions such a necessity, we are excited about the possibility of courses beginning as soon as Fall of 2013! We are in the process of acquiring a temporary building for the institute, please consider assisting us with this acquisition! In addition to housing the Institute for a short time, it will be used as a conference space, a local church building, and as a headquarters for Christian Education throughout the nation.
The nature of ministering in Cuba is often difficult to understand. As a family we live and work in the States, taking as many trips throughout each year as we are able. This coming year, 2013, we plan on adjusting our lifestyle so that we can work in Cuba even more frequently. We have already planned a minimum of five trips to Cuba. With your continued support and prayers this will be a reality. All funds and proceeds given to Cuba-Rennard are used directly for the work in Cuba. We work hard on the home front at our respective jobs so that your offerings and contributions can go directly to the mission field. Please seek God and pray for us, the nation of Cuba, and the church in Cuba for the coming year. In addition to planting churches, starting the Institute, and equipping leaders, we know that God is able to pour out His spirit in a way that we have yet to see. It is time to Conquer and Cuba is full of conquerors! To contribute to the work, please e-mail us at for more details on how your contribute can be tax-deductible.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Cuba Update - Summer 2011

Greetings to all of you in the awe-inspiring name of Jesus Christ! It’s been a whirlwind of a year and we find ourselves half-way through 2011! Despite the quickening pace of time and a seemingly endless amount of things to do, God always finds a way to do amazing things. We wanted to take a few moments to provide an update regarding the work that the Lord has done in Cuba so far this year.

In late 2010 we were able to raise enough money to acquire and renovate a church for a growing congregation. The old location would seat about 30 people comfortably, but the church was growing and did not accommodate all those that wanted to attend services. Nearby was a building that was available and with your assistance and support we were able to move into the new space, renovate it to more efficiently meet the needs of the congregation, and start holding services. It now will seat close to 100 people comfortably!

In addition to physical growth, the church in Cuba has been growing spiritually under the new leadership of Bishop Barbaro Gonzalez and other newly elected Cuban national officials. The national board is dedicated to the purpose of the Lord and eager to continue their partnership with the ALJC and churches here in the States. We’ve been adding existing congregations from all over the nation of Cuba to the national organization, from the tip of Pinar del Rio to the extremes of Santiago de Cuba. At this moment we estimate that over 20 churches are gathering and working together to spread the truth throughout the nation of Cuba.

Due to visa restrictions and hindrances on both the part of the United States and Cuban governments, we are not able to reside in Cuba. This is a grave disappointment to us, but we are making the most of the circumstance by traveling to Cuba as frequently as possible via short term trips. In the meantime all contributed funds to the ALJC for The Rennard Family – Cuba are funneled directly to travel, works, and mission related needs in the nation of Cuba. If you have any questions regarding our current plans, ministry approach, or projects we are working on, please feel free to contact us via the information on this site.

We will be traveling to Cuba in the Fall of 2011 to meet with the newly added churches, host training seminars, and review ongoing projects. Please be praying for this trip!

We greatly appreciate your support and continued prayers for the nation of Cuba. The Cuban church is in a time of transition and need your assistance. If you’d like to contribute to and pray directly for a few of the projects we are working towards, please make note of the following:

1. New Church Construction / Acquirement: Carlos Lago in Casablanca - $15,000 USD
2. Repairs / Expansion of Agua Vida: Aleyda in Pinar del Rio - $4,000 USD

Though many of our projects are on the local church level, we are also committed to providing a central location to continually train and equip leadership and ministry. We have acquired the use of a large tract of land to utilize for the first ever Apostolic Institute in Cuba. However, the financial need to construct such a facility is large. Please be praying for this endeavor as it can revolutionize the church in Cuba.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Upcoming Trip to Cuba and the Dominican Republic

We are thrilled with the recent progress we have seen in Cuba! We were able to take a trip in May and bout 80 were baptized and several received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. God is moving among His people in Cuba. During this trip, we met with the local pastors to talk about their vision for their churches. We also were able to take another step in the purchasing and planning of the first Apostolic Bible Institute in the nation of Cuba.

God has opened a door for us to travel to Cuba the first of September, during this time we will be finalizing the transfer of property for the Institute, meeting with local leaders to plan the launch of the first semester, and hopefully work towards the construction of the Institute as well as two other church buildings.
As we continue working towards an Apostolic Bible Institute, we feel the need to base full-time in the Caribbean. We are not permitted to live in Cuba full-time, so we'd like to base somewhere in the region that has a need for a permanent worker. During this trip in September, we will be visiting the Dominican Republic as well as Cuba. We feel as if God may be opening a door for us to base in the Dominican Republic, which would afford a much easier access to Cuba, would be able to directly assist with the work in Haiti, and we would be able to serve as representatives of the ALJC in the Dominican Republic.

We recently received a $5000 donation from a family in our local church for the building of a church facility in Cuba. This money will be used to build a nice facility for a pastor with a congregation of about 50. They currently hold services in a small living room. It is the generosity and sacrificial giving of men, women, and churches like this that make what we do possible. It also would not be possible without our faithful supporters who monthly contribute anything from $5 to $500.
We are currently in need of funds for our upcoming trip in September as well as funding for the Apostolic Bible Institute land transfer. We will need $5,000 for the travel costs, lodging, visas, and food. In addition, if you would like to contribute towards the cost of the land transfer for the Apostolic Bible Institute the total cost is $8,500. We are also attempting to build three new church buildings at a cost of only $7,000 per church!

Please prayerfully consider sending an offering to “Cuba: Rennard” through the ALJC World Mission’s department, donate securely online at (select Cuba in dropdown menu,) or send a check to James Rennard c/o Faith Apostolic Church 1212 E. 116th St. Carmel, IN 46032.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Apostolic Institute Land Agreement!

We are so thankful for the good reports we have heard from Cuba since our last trip in May. In early September we will be purchasing the land necessary for the first Apostolic Bible Institute in the nation of Cuba. We are thrilled to see this dream come to fruition. Construction will begin as soon as permits are attained. Please pray with us that the process will go smoothly. We know that things are never certain when it comes to the Cuban government, but we also know that God has the power to intervene and make this happen as He wishes. We are making preparations for a trip in September to help and aid in furthering along this process. Our hope and prayer is that classes in the Bible Institute will begin in 2011.

Our family is prayerfully considering basing out of the Caribbean full time. On our trip to Cuba in September, we will also be visiting the Dominican Republic. Our desire is to be living in the region and the Dominican Republic will allow us to travel to Cuba more directly, work across the border in Haiti, and do all this with much less expense. We are also praying that wherever we live, God will open doors for us to help and aid the local churches. Please pray with us for God’s direction and guidance in this endeavor. We simply desire to work for His Kingdom and be used for His purpose wherever we are.

Thank you for your prayers and support - we'll have much more information to come in the next few weeks!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

April 2010 - Upcoming Cuba Trip

The recent earthquake and resulting devastation in the nation of Haiti has prompted us to not only attempt to provide relief to the Haitian people, it has reminded us of the similar state of the churches, homes, and amenities in the nation of Cuba. Though we are praying diligently for the nation of Cuba and its people, we cannot help but wonder what may happen if an earthquake or hurricane was to again shock the region.

It is our desire to preemptively equip the churches and people we work with and serve in Cuba with necessary items such as food, water, and shelter. In the event of a natural disaster or some sort of social disaster in Cuba, our work today can make a difference.

In April of 2010 we will be taking a large group of partners to Cuba with us, under our OFAC license, to distribute preemptive aid, to survey the needs of the local churches, and to continue our plans for the construction of a school and convention center. This trip will serve the purpose of distributing goods to the oneness organization for future use as well as providing visitors with the opportunity to see and hopefully meet the needs of the local churches.

At this time we are working with 15 Apostolic churches and they have great needs, from seats to physical buildings. If you are interested in helping us with our mission to the people of Cuba, please feel free to contact us at info @ for more information.

We know that the Lord is doing a great work in Cuba and believe that we are able to be the church, to go and help those in need of both the Gospel and basic humanitarian items.

Please pray for those that will be traveling and for the people of Cuba. In addition, please continue to pray for the people of Haiti and specifically Pastor Wilner Louissaint, a dear friend and pastor of multiple churches in Haiti. For more information about what our local church and the Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ are doing to provide relief to Haiti, please visit the ALJC Haiti Relief Fun.

Thank you for your prayers and support - we are God's people and with Him we can change the world.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Haiti Shaken and the World in Need

In the midst of so much heartache and struggle, I am reminded of both the difficulty and the victories that humanity has faced throughout the years. At this moment we have a team of relief workers headed to the Dominican Republic to meet with a pastor and friend in Haiti. To contribute to the Haiti Relief Fund or to find out more about what we and our local church, Faith Apostolic Church, are doing to support relief in Haiti, please visit Faith Apostolic Church.

Though we are not currently in the nation of Cuba, we know that the Lord is there and there are men and women continuing the work. Though we grieve for the people of Haiti, a neighbor of Cuba, we celebrate the work that is being done to help those in need, reach the lost, and meet needs throughout the world.

Throughout this difficult time something comes to my mind - Just last week we celebrated the birth of our second child, Isabel Havana Rennard.

Though there is death and turmoil in Haiti and other countries throughout the world, babies are being born, life is being sustained, and many are hearing the Word of God. It is this hope that we have in Him, that He would give us life and give it to us more abundantly. We pray for the nation of Haiti, even though there is death and destruction, we pray that many will find peace in the Lord, strength in hope, love, and unity.

We'd love to be in Cuba right now in mission with God, but know that His timing is perfect and His will is unchanging. We thank everyone for their support during the past few months of our stay here in the States. When we are able to provide more information about our mission to Cuba we will post it here. In the meantime, pray for those that we've ministered to and equipped for ministry in Cuba. They are the laborers and they are working diligently to change the landscape of a nation.

We love you all and appreciate everything you do for this world in need.

James, Rachael, Ava and Isabel

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

We're Back!

Thanks to everyone for your prayers on our behalf. We have made it home after another successful trip to Cuba. We have been home about 5 days now and are adjusting to life in Indiana. It has been wonderful to see our family and friends, but our hearts remain in Cuba.

We were so blessed to have such a fruitful trip. We saw God move in such powerful ways in the churches, in the Women's conferece, in meetings, in pastors' homes and in our own home. Thank the Lord for guiding us every step of the way.
In past trips, we have places a great emphasis on Apostolic doctrine and on allowing the Spirit of God to move freely in church services and in the lives of the people. We were thrilled to return to see the leadership taking initiative in teaching and training of the Apostolic doctrine. They have systemmatic teaching every Sunday to get the church refocuses on the doctrine of the apostles. We were also so encouraged to see that many of the churches are now making room for the Spirit of God to move! We were in many services where the presence of God entered in such a powerful way, and the people simply enjoyed His presence instead of moving forward with the program.

We were honored to baptize six in Jesus' name and see around 10 more receive the Holy Ghost! The first annual Women's Conference was a success. Women from all of the churches told me how they were touched and changed so profoundly during the conference. We were also able to begin planning the first ever Apostolic Bible Institute in Cuba. We are praying to be able to open it within a year. We preached at every church (with one exception), meet with every pastor, and meet with the National Board. It was a very productive trip. We are energized and anticipating great things to continue to happen in Cuba.
Our family in Cuba: Pastor Lorenzo, his wife Zulema, and Pastor Juan

We had the honor of preaching in Bauta, at a church that was Baptist. They recently re-baptized their congregation in Jesus' name and wanted Jimmie to come and preach Apostolic doctrine

Ava, enjoying a children's service in Casa Blanca

We will be updating the blog periodically with some specific needs we have and that pastors in Cuba have. We believe that with your financial help and prayer support, we can see these needs met! Thanks again for your interest in the work of God in Cuba. We welcome your questions and comments. God Bless!

Outside of our home

Ava lost her first tooth in Cuba, eating a guava!